OK, I'm still alive...just got tied up with other things that took me away from this blog. Thank you for everyone who checks out my food ideas and occasional ramblings. And thank you UCLA girls flag football for helping UCLA beat the WSU Cougars last week - if it wasn't for your last minute participation WSU (my alma mater) would have walked away the victor.
My left knee is still in recovery mode. Currently I'm experiencing a number of hyper extensions every day as I slowly try to walk down-grades or as my leg fatigues during the day. My 3 year old J took off from me the other day at the store laughing and honestly stating "you can't catch me!" Of course she came running back when I asked.
So, moving forward I am going to keep blogging about my food, my joys in life (right now my instant gratification is a bottle of vino from Trader Joes but the 90 degree weather in So-Cal this week was pretty good too) and whatever else I feel like.
During business school, back in the 90s, I learned setting goals that are measurable, achievable and challenging were keys to a successful plan. So starting this week:
1. Food budget, including cleaning supplies, vino, potting soil/plants/veggie seeds, food while eating out and grass fed beef/organic chicken will be $100 per week. I will measure this on a weekly basis. We are just a family of 3 however with an egg allergic kid there goes one of the most nutritious food sources. Plus grass fed gets expensive but it is so good.
2. Preferencial purchasing will be made in this order - California produced, American produced, Canada produced, Internationally produced. I will not purchase apples from New Zealand when Washington Apples are available even if they are a higher price. And no more French, Spanish, South American or Aussie wine. This goal isn't just for food; it includes gasoline companies, future car purchases, clothing, shoes etc. Stay tuned for more updates on this.
I like your hierarchy of places to purchase things. And, the Washington apples: they are really great. We have family there that sends us some every year in season- Wow !