
Monday, September 5, 2011

Take two - coffee/wine braised sirloin

So the London Broil braised meal was good...just seemed like a long time to cook and wasn't quite right.  So I ventured into the trusty cookbook and discovered "London Broil" is a generic name for a number of different cuts of meat.  Don't believe me, google it.  London Broil is probably a better steak to marinate and then cook versus trying to make tender through slow cooking.

So here is my take two attempt.

First the final product picture (brussels sprouts and chunks of smoked gouda).

1/3 bottle of red wine (fresh & easy's new Napa Doon Buggy 9.99 bottle)
4 cups of coffee (fresh & easy's donut shop blend)
3 tablespoons of butter
1 chopped onion chopped
3 garlic cloves smashed and diced up
2-3 lbs of top sirloin (Whole foods grass fed)
Sea Salt
1 piece of dark chocolate per serving

1. Take beef out of fridge and coat with sea salt and pepper.  I cover it in wax paper and let it sit on the counter for an hour prior to cooking.  Don't just grind the seasoning onto the meat, use your hands and grind it into the meat.

2. Melt butter in pot over medium high heat.

 3. Prepare garlic and onions while the butter melts.  If you notice there is now coffee in the pot...I had to brew a new batch after we drank the morning pot.

4. Add the beef to the hot pot and butter gently (I splattered butter all over my arm and hand by being in a hurry today).  Sear the outside of the meat.  Takes about three minutes.

5. Remove the meat from the pot.  Add the onions and garlic and cook over high heat for about a minute.  For anyone new to cooking, do you see the scratches in the cooked food in the bottom of the pot?  This is where a bunch of flavor is hiding.  Your goal is to scrape this cooked food off the bottom of the pot and into the liquid you add to the pot.  So slowly add the wine and coffee to the pot and scrape the bottom of the pot to incorporate the flavor into the meal over a high heat.

 6. Place the meat back into the liquid.  Cover and adjust the heat to a simmer.  Cooke about 2.5-3 hours.

7.  Once the meat is tender enough to fall apart, remove from liquid.  Since we don't eat gluten I boil down the liquid about 2/3rds to make a thicker, more flavorful broth.

8.  To finish off I transfer a serving (about 1/2 lb) into a separate pot with enough broth to keep moist.  Over heat I then add a single chunk of dark chocolate which melts into the broth and meat.  The chocolate gives it a richer flavor but isn't necessary.  Once I perfect egg free gnocchi I will mix this meat and broth with the gnocchi and brussels sprouts.

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